Tel: 07866 025686 |
If you would like to read a
traditional poem about which logs to burn and ones to avoid, please follow
this link: The Wood Cutters Poem Recommended
Frequency of Cleaning Gas & oil once a year *Chimney Cleaning Log* For
customers who frequently burn wood or have heavy tar deposits in their
chimneys; I recommend the purchase of a chimney cleaning log. They have
been very successful in reducing the build-up of tar in chimneys and
increasing flue performance. Hence, I have no qualms promoting
them. Place one or two (depending on size of chimney) in the
stove/fireplace and light. For optimum results book me to sweep your
chimney approximately ten days to one month later. These logs
can be obtained from most stove centres & farming supply outlets. If you have a level 3 creosote problem the following procedure has been found to be very effective: Burn a
good quality chimney cleaning log every four days. After the second log, have
the chimney swept then repeat the process again three more times. Also light
a small fire every two days between the above procedure. This method has
proved to be highly effective and economic. |